Q. What is the structure of a Soul Weaving session?

A. In a Soul Weaving session, the structure is intentionally fluid, allowing for a deeply personal and intuitive experience tailored to your unique needs. Here's an overview of what typically unfolds:

  1. Opening Space: The session begins by creating a safe and open space for you to express whatever is on your mind or in your heart. This sets the stage for honest communication and establishes trust between us.

  2. Intuitive Grounding Meditation: To anchor us in the present moment and align our energies, I guide you through an intuitive grounding meditation. This meditation serves to center us and prepare us to receive the healing energies that will flow during the session.

  3. Channeling Energy: With our energies aligned, I call upon the channeled energy of Naila Elé. As the conduit for this energy, I allow it to flow through me, providing insights, guidance, and healing vibrations. Throughout this process, my eyes remain closed, allowing me to fully focus on receiving and transmitting the energy.

  4. Opportunity for Expression: While the energy is being channeled, there is always an opportunity for you to speak if you feel called to do so. However, verbal communication is not a requirement for the healing to take effect. You are encouraged to simply be present and open to receiving whatever insights or sensations arise within you.

  5. Release and Grounding: Once the channeled energy has been received and integrated, I gently release and ground the energies, ensuring that you are left feeling balanced, centered, and grounded. This step is essential for bringing closure to the session and ensuring that you are able to integrate the healing energies into your daily life.

  6. Closing: Finally, I close out the session with gratitude and reverence, acknowledging the sacred exchange of energy that has taken place and honoring the healing journey that you have embarked upon. This closing ritual marks the end of the session and provides a sense of completion and closure.

Overall, a Soul Weaving session is a deeply transformative and empowering experience that invites you to connect with your inner wisdom, receive healing energies, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Q. Who is the spirit woman you call Naila Elé?

A. Naila Elé is not merely a spirit woman but a profound embodiment of the energies that flow through me in service to others' awakening and ascension. She emerged in response to my call for guidance, appearing as a dark-haired woman draped in an animal hide cloak, emanating love, joy, integrity, and honesty.

When she speaks through me, it's in a light language that transcends comprehension yet feels simultaneously ancient and familiar, like an old, beautiful song. Naila Elé communicated to me telepathically that our connection serves the expansive transformation of those seeking to unlock the doors of longing and connection to the boundless universe.

Although Naila Elé is not a separate entity but an extension of my energy field, I found it beneficial to have a way of referring to her. Through intuitive guidance, the name Naila Elé was revealed to me. Exploring its significance, I discovered that "Naila" has roots in Arabic, representing a figure of strength, beauty, independence, and grace under pressure. On the other hand, "Elé" signifies bigness, love, and inclusivity, echoing the sentiment of "Everybody Loves Everybody."

Thus, Naila Elé embodies the essence of a resilient, charismatic, and mysterious figure who stands for love, courage, and the unwavering belief in the goodness of humanity. She symbolizes the convergence of strength, beauty, and boundless love, guiding us through the journey of self-discovery and collective transformation.

Q. What is a Wayshower?

A.Being a Wayshower is less about having a specific title or qualifications and more about embodying and expressing qualities that inspire others to awaken to their true selves. It's about living authentically, with compassion, wisdom, and integrity, and by doing so, illuminating a path for others to follow in their own journey of self-discovery. Whether through words, actions, or simply being a living example, anyone can be a wayshower by shining their light brightly for others to see.

Q. I am unsure and a bit nervous about what will come forward. Can you speak to that concern?

A. Feeling unsure and nervous before a session is completely normal, especially when delving into realms of healing and self-discovery. Here are some ways to address those concerns:

  1. Breath and Centering: Begin by taking deep, calming breaths to release any tension or anxiety. Connect with your core, grounding yourself in the present moment. Trust that you are in a safe and supportive environment.

  2. Preparation: Take some time before the session to gather your thoughts and write down any questions or concerns you may have. This can help you prioritize what you want to address during the session and provide a sense of clarity and focus.

  3. Trust the Process: Understand that during the session, the channel, Bay, is tuning into your higher being, guides, and energy field. The focus will be on elements that are most transformational for you at that moment. Trust that whatever comes forward is for your highest good and growth.

  4. Empowerment: Remember that you are in control of the session. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or need to take a break, you have the power to stop the session. Your well-being and comfort are paramount.

  5. Emotional Release: It's natural for tears to flow during the session as blockages are unwound and cleared from your body. These tears are a powerful release, connecting you to the universal flow of existence. Allow yourself to feel and express whatever emotions arise, knowing that you are supported and not alone in this process.

Ultimately, trust in the process and in the supportive presence of Bay and the healing energies that are guiding the session. Know that you are embarking on a journey of self-discovery and healing, and that you have the strength and resilience to navigate whatever comes forward.

Q. Should I wear or bring anything specific?

A. Wearing clothing that allows you to sit comfortably and move freely is ideal for your session. The goal is to create a space where you feel physically and emotionally comfortable, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the healing experience. Additionally, having a notebook handy to jot down insights or reflections during or after the session can be incredibly valuable for integrating the healing process and furthering personal growth.

Q. Will I feel different after the session?

A. Your experience after the session can vary depending on your unique sensitivity to energy and your current stage of personal evolution. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Immediate Transformation: Some individuals may feel a profound sense of healing and transformation during the session itself. They might experience a release of tension, emotional breakthroughs, or a deep sense of peace and clarity. In such cases, it's common to feel the need to rest and integrate the energy afterward.

  2. Subtle Shifts: For others, the effects of the session may be more subtle initially. You might not notice dramatic changes right away, but over the following days, you may observe shifts in your perspective, a greater sense of ease in your body, or a release of accumulated blockages. These subtle changes can gradually lead to profound healing and growth.

  3. Individual Sensitivity: Your sensitivity to energy and your receptiveness to the healing transmission will influence your post-session experience. Some individuals may be more attuned to subtle energy shifts, while others may require more time to notice the effects. Trust in your own process and be open to whatever unfolds for you.

Ultimately, every individual's journey is unique, and the way you feel after the session will be deeply personal to you. Regardless of the immediate experience, know that the healing energies are working on a deep level to support your growth, healing, and well-being. Allow yourself to be open to the process and trust in the innate wisdom of your body and spirit.

Q. What is at the heart of your healing work?

A. At the core of my healing work lies the vibration of unconditional love and gentle consideration. When we are enveloped in this profound energy, our boundaries, blocks, and resistances begin to soften and melt away. The rigid barriers that once separated us from our true selves and others gradually dissolve, allowing for a natural and effortless transformation.

As these barriers dissipate, we become more open and receptive to the flow of healing energies that surround us. Our auric field becomes clear and vibrant, pulsating with vitality and connection. In this state of alignment, we feel electrified, supported, and deeply connected to the guiding forces of the universe.

With fewer obstacles standing in our way, we are able to navigate life with greater clarity, purpose, and intention. We become conduits for love and healing, contributing to the well-being of all aspects of existence. Through the power of unconditional love and gentle consideration, we unlock the inherent potential within ourselves and embrace our role as co-creators of a more harmonious and interconnected world.

Q. What are your thoughts on working with the light of the collective consciousness?

A. Working with the light of the collective consciousness is a profound journey that begins with individual healing and expands to encompass the well-being of all beings. Global healing, in essence, originates from personal recovery. When individuals tend to the needs of their mind, body, and soul, they lay the foundation for a more harmonious and balanced existence.

As we awaken the dormant potential within our DNA and illuminate the light within our bodies, we experience heightened awareness, vitality, and connection to the world around us. This inner radiance not only enriches our personal lives but also serves as a beacon of healing and transformation within the collective consciousness.

Through our personal healing journey, we contribute to the well-being of all beings by radiating positive energy into the web of collective consciousness. Our actions, thoughts, and intentions ripple outward, uplifting and nourishing all living organisms. By nurturing our own health and well-being, we become stewards of the Earth and caretakers of all living beings. Our interconnectedness with the web of life compels us to act with compassion, empathy, and reverence for the intricate tapestry of existence.