Terms of Service

Please review the following terms before booking:

  • During a reading, program, or guidance session, any guidance or information provided is for informational purposes only. The client holds full responsibility for any choices or actions made based on this information, and Bay is not liable for any resulting decisions.

  • Please note that Bay is not a medical doctor or licensed counselor. Any information provided regarding health or psychological issues is spiritually based and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.

  • Refunds for payment will not be issued after services are rendered.

  • If the client cancels a scheduled appointment up to 48 hours before the appointment, refund will be issued. If cancelation is less than 48 hours before the scheduled time, no refund will be issued. Please be aware that refunds may take several business days to be processed.

Other Aspects To Consider:

01. Remembering Our Roots

Each of us carries a unique tapestry of stories - from family lore to personal experiences, even those ingrained in our very DNA. These narratives, whether embraced or resisted, shape our existence on this earth. I honor and respect you for the story that has woven you into the person you are today, with all its complexities and truths.

With deep reverence and gratitude, I offer my assistance in reconnecting you with your roots, free from judgment or expectation. I pledge to honor the sacredness of this journey, making offerings, and invoking protection at every step.

02. The Procedure Through Heart Opening

My approach to this work is guided by a profound presence, rooted in unconditional love and aligned with your essence during our session. This calling is not just a vocation; it's a path infused with the purest intentions of love. While the insights I receive originate from the spirit realm, I strive to translate them into practical wisdom that is illuminating to your heart and remains grounded in earthly realities.

Soul-level healing, as I perceive it, aims to bring tangible improvements to our lives, addressing challenges in ways that are both enlightening and applicable to our everyday existence.

03. Healing as a ShoreLine

While I am undeniably committed to supporting your healing journey and personal growth, it's vital to recognize that I do not claim to fix everything that comes to light. I cannot promise to resolve every issue that surfaces; your active involvement and sincere desire for self-transformation are indispensable.

In navigating this journey together, I view healing as akin to the ebb and flow of a shoreline, with its swelling cycles of expansion and retreat. I will hold a nurturing space for you to explore and navigate these rhythms, offering support and guidance as you chart your course.